Our Transformational Products For Optimal Health!
ATTN Customers: Due to recent discovery of suppression and censoring of natural health products and information taking place against Pure Health Systems, (and likely many other webpages), it is no longer feasible to continue with the business as is.
If you really wish to obtain any of the products listed herein, please email us at drhealthPHS@proton.me and we will get back to you as soon as possible.
Sorry for any inconvenience, but we are up against a deep state enemy on all fronts these days…

More About Pure Health Systems
Health and health care involves not just a simple supplement or product. It takes understanding what the natural system demands of us and what our bodies actually are dealing with from day to day. Our environment has been severely damaged by unnatural practices… land polluted with chemicals and diminished in nutrients, foods altered with chemicals and picked long before being nutritionally complete. Infective agents run rampant throughout our society, causing subclinical infections which produce toxins which slowly rob health and cause premature degenerative changes.
Stories of Lives Changed
Thank you for the gift of your time, and all the valuable information today. I will be sharing it, slowly but surely. Nothing is greater than the gift of health, and so sad our politicians do not realize that it does not come from universal health care card…..It comes from companies like yours.
I just wanted to let you know that My acid reflux and all of the accompanying symptoms are GONE because of the kind and generous free online advise that you gave about the jumping technique. I emailed you about 2 months ago if you recall. I also advised my nephew to do the same and it has helped him as well. please know that I will always appreciate deeply what you may see as a simple gesture. It has gone a long way towards health!! Peace and Blessings to you, your staff, family and friends.
Just a quick note to reinforce how grateful I am to you for carrying Pekana… My Achilles’ Heel as it were is “allergic Bronchitis” which I get several times a year, and have for about 9 years. It’s awful and I can be nearly bed ridden for weeks with a hideous cough and major clear phlegm production – yuck ! In October I planned in advance and got a few things from you for my “arsenal” What a difference ! I did not get as sick as usual. It lasted about the normal length of time, but I was so much less sick. I’ll be going thru your offerings more carefully very soon and ordering again. I hope I can find things which might even rid me of this. However, I’m happy with it just being less intense. Many thank you’s.
Thanks for this information. My son served in Iraq with the Marines. Camp Ripper in Kuwait, to Basra, Falluja and into Bagdad. He will appreciate this info.
I have been using your products for about 3 weeks now to treat my candida problem. For the first time I can breath better and my skin is clearing up. I have just wanted to say thank you.
I just picked it up this morning from UPS. And I took my first dosage. It contains some incredibly fabulous and potent herbs, and I am very excited. Even though it took a little while to arrive, I have a good feeling that it is going to be well worth the wait. I have seen many different variations of the other Essiac, but this seemed special which is why I ordered it. And the bottle size is awesome. Thanks so much for all of your help. Take care. Peace and Blessings.
Dear Doctor Maehr, I fatefully stumbled upon your website and read some of your articles on digestion, enzymes and hiatal hernia. I was diagnosed with a hiatal hernia a few years ago. I have a few conditions I would like to address and would really appreciate your feedback. I do believe in homeopathic and or natural remedies over the traditional medicines. Thank You.
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Rendering plants and the Food YOU eat!
Ignorance may be bliss, but here is another example of how we are slowly, but steadily, killing ourselves! Article is entitled, “The Dark Side of Recycling,” from the Fall, 1990, Earth Island Journal. “The rendering [...]
Colostrum and Immunity
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Many of those in the medical fraternity instantly label treatments in the traditional, natural or holistic health fields as quackery. This word is even used to describe Traditional Chinese Medicine and the Indian Ayerveda, two medical systems which are far older than Western medicine and globally just as popular.
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