Independent Laboratory and Clinical Findings 1, and 2 tell the truth about NDF™ Heavy Metal Detox and Chemical Natural Detox
Please Note: Any effective chemical detox protocol can interfere with the effectiveness of certain pharmaceutical drugs, even removing them from your system, since they are a chemical. To minimize this activity, consult your health practitioner in scheduling your meds. You should take NDF™ first thing in the morning, allow 2 urinations, and then take your meds to minimize elimination of the drug.
- Independent laboratory proof that no healing crisis is required during the elimination of toxic heavy metals and that concurrent patient subjective improvements are noted with NDF.
- Safe elimination of up to 920% more metals per month than with DMPS.
- Mobilized metals are generally eliminated via the next urine following the dose.
- Decreased risk of enzyme and leaky gut mediated resorption through the bowel.
- EEG: Beneficial effect seen on the electrical activity of the brain,, specifically raises the heavy metal suppressed beta waves to normal levels from within 5 to 113 minutes post dose and lasting at least 4 hours.
- Causes the elimination of all identified toxic heavy metals… mercury, lead, cadmium, etc
38.4% average decrease in fecal metals following 5 days at maximum dose. - ALMOST IMMEDIATE PATIENT IMPROVEMENTS.
- Can be used by the whole family.
- No reported side effects from using NDF™ while amalgams and other metals are still in the teeth; we recommend additional drainage remedies such as our Big Three Detox & Drainage Kit for safety.
- See the Wall Street Journal Article on Mercury in fillings
NDF™ is made from organic, whole foods and is administered orally. A 1 ounce bottle lasts for approximately 60 days at a dosage equivalent to the metal eliminating effect of one DMPS IV injection per month and costs the same. Heavy metal toxicity is linked to 76 different behavioral and functional abnormalities in the Townsend Letter, April, 2001.
These and the following statements have not been evaluated or approved by the FDA. NDF™ is not intended to diagnose, treat, or cure any disease. It simply removes heavy metals and other toxins from the body.
NDF® Detox Ingredients: Proprietary Blend: Micronized Chlorella, CytoFlora® Probiotic Lysates of: Lactobacillus Rhamnosus, Bifidobacterium Bifidum, Bifidobacterium Infantis, Bifidobacterium Longum, Lactobacillus Acidophilus, Lactobacillus Reuteri, Lactobacillus Plantarum, Lactobacillus Helveticus, Lactobacillus Casei, Lactobacillus Salivarius, Lactobacillus Paracasei, Cilantro.
Other Ingredients: Deionized water and grain neutral alcohol (20% by volume).
Our probiotic lysates are hypoallergenic, in a dairy-free rice base.
Shelf Life: 5 years
Storage: Store in cupboard. No refrigeration necessary.
Naturopathically formulated with wildcrafted and organic herbs and selectively imported botanicals for potency and goodness.
General Adult Dosing Information:
Children and Sensitive Individuals: Start with 1 drop per day in 4 – 6 ounces of filtered water or juice once (1x) a day in the morning. Increase by 1 drop every 3 – 4 days, as tolerated. Work up to 26 drops twice (2x) a day.
Adults: 3 – 6 drops in 6 – 8 oz of filtered water twice (2x) a day. Increase intake by 6 drops every other day until intake is 52 drops twice (2x) a day. Stay hydrated with lemon and water. Ensure bowels are moving daily.
(NOTE: The recommend program for serious heavy metal or chemical issues is a 3 months program. To get to the maximum dosage of 52 drops twice a day, it will take a little over 6 ozs of NDF/NDF Plus and 11 weeks at the regular dosage. Depending on how you test out or feel after this point will determine whether you should continue at this level for 2-4 weeks. Once the issues have been dealt with, we recommend a 1 oz program at least once per year to help remove any buildup in the system).
You don’t want to detox the heavy metals or chemicals too quickly as this can make you quite uncomfortable, however, for those who are not overly sensitive, you can adjust this dosage up to speed up the ramping process. A good rule of thumb is to go at least one week with the normal schedule. On day 8, you could jump the dosage up 2-3 days and see how you feel. Continue ramping up for three days, and then try another jump up 2-3 days. If you run into problems or discomfort, back down to the previous level where you had no problems. Example – on day 8, you could go to the day or day 11 dosage of 10 or 11 drops twice a day that day, then to 11 or 12 drops twice a day on day 9 of you program. On day 10, you could jump to 14-15 drops, etc. As long as you don’t experience any adverse affects, continue this faster schedule. NOTE: if you know you are loaded with heavy metals or chemicals, it might be safer and more comfortable to remain at the regular dosage schedule. If you have any reservations, contact your health care provider.
Alcohol Sensitivity: Put the dose in a glass and pour boiling water on it, just to cover it, wait a couple of seconds then add room temp drinking water and take the dose. Boiling water does not destroy NDF’s properties, but you can not let it sit like that for a day as it is a real food and will go bad.
Please note: When we have any patients ask us about using NDF™ or NDF Plus™ during pregnancy or while breast feeding our blanket statement is that it is “not recommended.” The reason for this is that NDF™ has not had research or clinical studies done on it to determine the impact NDF™ could potentially have on the fetus and therefore we do not advise use during gestation or while breast feeding.
Independent Laboratory and Clinical Findings1, and 2 tell the truth about NDF™ Heavy Metal and Chemical Detox
Poisoning with Heavy Metals: Dr. John Char, D.D.S., D.H.M., PhD, L.M.T.
Please Note: Any effective detox protocol can interfere with the effectiveness of certain pharmaceutical drugs, even removing them from your system, since they are a chemical. To minimize this activity, consult your health practitioner in scheduling your meds. You should take NDF™ first thing in the morning, allow 2 urinations, and then take your meds to minimize elimination of the drug.
NDF: 1 oz, $78.95
NDF Plus:
For sensitive individuals with weaker health situation. Not as “healing crisis” prone:
NDF Plus® Detox Ingredients: Proprietary Blend: Micronized Chlorella, CytoFlora® Probiotic Lysates of: Lactobacillus Rhamnosus, Bifidobacterium Bifidum, Bifidobacterium Infantis, Bifidobacterium Longum, Lactobacillus Acidophilus, Lactobacillus Reuteri, Lactobacillus Plantarum, Lactobacillus Helveticus, Lactobacillus Casei, Lactobacillus Salivarius, Lactobacillus Paracasei, Cilantro, plus predigested: Agaricus Blazei Mushroom, Reishi Mushroom, Cordyceps Mushroom, Horsetail Herb, Milk Thistle Seed.
Other Ingredients: Deionized water and grain neutral alcohol (20% by volume).
Our probiotic lysates are hypoallergenic, in a dairy-free rice base.
Shelf Life: 5 years
Storage: Store in cupboard. No refrigeration necessary.
Naturopathically formulated with wildcrafted and organic herbs and selectively imported botanicals for potency and goodness.
- Removes toxic metals including lead, mercury, arsenic, uranium, thallium, cadmium, antimony and aluminum.*
- Removes chemicals and pesticides including Lindane, dioxin, BPA, phthalates and chlorine.*
- Binds to endotoxins and exotoxins.*
- Balances essential nutrients as it contains naturally occurring amino acids, vitamins and minerals.*
- Provides natural occurring fulvic acid, antioxidant and free-radical scavenger, serving to balance cell life.*
The Detox Trio® (Organic)

Binds to and removes toxins and has additional ingredients that nourish the liver to help kids keep calm and carry on.*
Agaricus Blazei Mycilia, Reishi Mushroom, Micronized Chlorella (NDF®), Red Root, Milk Thistle Seed, Olive Leaf, Coriolus Mycilia, Aromatic Solomon’s Seal Root, Eleuthero Root, Polygonatum Root, Licorice Root, Maitake Mushroom, Schizandra Berry, and Stevia Leaf.
Other Ingredients: Vegetable Glycerin, Deionized Water, and Natural Vanilla Flavor.
2 OZ, $31.99
4 oz. $53.25