To Yeast or Not to Yeast
Dr. Betsy MeshbesherCandidiasis, the condition caused by a yeast-like fungi called Candida, derives its name from the Latin, candidus, which literally means, “glowing white.” Candida Albicans is a small oval-shaped species that is the most common cause of candidiasis. Reference 1

With the diagnosis of Candida Albicans , the patient is often warned that they must not have any yeast or products containing yeast. The original source of this misinformation is unknown. If you study microbiology – you’ll find that under NO circumstances does yeast feed on yeast. Any microbiology book will support this.

There are over 200,000 species of fungi all around us and over 50,000 types of unicellular fungi called yeast. Whatever the case, one type of species of yeast, DOES NOT feed or feed upon another type of yeast. To avoid all yeast supplements because one may have candida, is WITHOUT scientific support – and to do so makes about as much sense as restricting ALL potassium from the diet since potassium cyanide is a poison.References 2,3

Brewer’s yeast, being the most comprehensive, and Rice Polish are the leading natural food sources of the B complex factors, including the important B1.

Synthetic B1 is made from coal tar, and coal tar comes from coal. Coal is good to burn and generate energy, but it is not a good food. Synthetic B1 is seen on labels as Thiamine Hydrochloride (HCL) and Thiamine Mononitrate. Reference 4

A report from the Korean War is enlightening: A medical columnist writing in a Pennsylvania newspaper following the above said conflict, told of this experience as the medical officer in a North Korean prisoner-of-war camp. He said his fellow prisoners were becoming totally debilitated with the classical B1 deficiency disease, beriberi.

From the International Red Cross, he obtained synthetic B1, in the form of Thiamine Hydrochloride. He administered the Thiamine HCL to most ill prisoners, but no change was seen; and they continued to worsen.

Finally, he procured some Rice Polish, which is a natural food source of the vitamin B complex. Rationing the Rice Polish out to the very ill POW’s did the trick, and their beriberi symptoms abated. Obviously, the body does know the difference. Reference 5

In the synthetic fractional form, as little as 2 mgs per day can mess up body function and therefore be poisonous. Ten mgs. per day have been reported as capable of causing meningeal irritation – irritating the coverings of the brain.

In laboratory animals, just twice the minimum daily requirement of synthetic B1 causes infertility in the offspring. Synthetic vitamins given to laboratory animals reduces their lifespan about 10%. Natural complex vitamins support life; they do not reduce lifespan. Reference 6

From this research information, you can quickly realize the importance of intelligent selection when choosing nutritional supplements. Reference 7. Brewer’s yeast provides natural B complex factors and for some persons represents the only good source of vitamin B in their diet. A real shame to lose it!

The Candida organism most likely to produce candidiasis is influenced by antibiotic therapy, diet, pregnancy, endocrine disorders, defective immunity and pH.
Reference 7
By the way, the primary food source of Candida is sugars, not yeast, per se.


  1. Candidiasis, Richard P. Murray, D.C., 1986, Biomedical Health Foundation.
  2. The Bizarre Syndrome, Richard P. Murray, D.C., Feb 1986, Journal of the National Academy of Research Biochemists.
  3. Dear Patient, Richard P. Murray, D.C., Journal of the National Academy of Research Biochemists.
  4. Ibid.
  5. Natural vs. Synthetic, Richard P. Murray, D.C., 1987 Biomedical Health Foundation.
  6. Dear Patient, Richard P. Murray, D.C., Journal of the National Academy of Research Biochemists.
  7. Candidiasis, Richard P. Murray, D.C., 1986 Biomedical Health Foundation.


Candida infection is just one infective agent that is a major problem across the country. Bacteria, virus, fungus, yeast and mold all contribute to diminishing health in people over the course of years and decades. In many cases, people don’t even know they have this infective agent growing out of control in their bodies. Candida usually goes hand in hand with fungal and bacterial infective agents as well, causing a cascading series of results, and damaging health. Most people are a walking Reservoir for Disease Organisms to breed in. This is the scariest aspect of it all. These “subclinical infections” go unnoticed, often for decades, yet the toxins released by their reproduction and feeding within the body do long-term damage to tissues and organs. This probably one of the greatest health threats people face today.