If you’ve been Searching for the Absolute PINNACLE of Whole Food Natural Health and Nutritional Supplementation, THIS IS IT.

Pure Health Systems

Many of you who seek the very best in whole food supplementation are familiar with the Company previously called Infinity: The Nutrition and Strength Professionals. As you know, Infinity merged with Eco-Quest International several years ago, and again, Eco-Quest just recently was purchased by Electrolux Corp., and a new company caller “Vollara” is the result. In this gradual process, we feel that the quality of not only the service from Eco-Quest, but also the products themselves, has diminished, and the exceptional products no longer hold to the high standards Infinity stood for for over 12 years.

Dr. John Taylor was on the original medical advisory board for Infinity, and helped in the development of the product formulations, in conjunction with several other experts in the field of enzyme nutrition, probiotics, and other arenas. Dr. Taylor has since developed a line of supplements even superior to Infinity’s formulations, and now offers them to the public.

Rest assured, these products are the best of their kind available. From weight loss, whole food supplementation, and kids vitamins, to skin care and many other essential nutrients, we have the right products for your health.